Sunday, April 14, 2013

The Backpacking Trilogy - 2

Next stop Gokarna. Gokarna is a great place with clean and calm beaches. I think it is better than Goa in some ways. There are some great food options and lovely places to swim in the beach. Before we left Gokarna, VM suggested that we go see the sangam, where the river meets the sea.  The brilliant idea this time was to take a bus to that place and walk back along the beach to the hotel . We reached our destination by bus and we had to walk to the Sangam point from the bus stop.

As we walked, we reached a marsh and there was no way to walk around it. We had to cross it.We did not expect this and we had no clue how deep it was. It was a about 25 to 30 meters wide and we were stranded. We noticed a woman on the other side and waved to her. She waved back us to just walk across. With our experience with the villagers so far, we did not want to trust her. But there was no going back after coming all this way. We decided to sacrifice SC. The excuse? He was the tallest of us all but we all knew secretly he would have been the choice anyways.

It was deep but not enough to drown SC. The water came a little over his hip. He survived. We followed and we survived too. The sangam looked beautiful, smelled of fish and there was a fisherman community by the banks. Despite its beauty I was happy to walk away from there and escape the stink.We walked back. The colors in the sky was amazing. It was the pre-digital camera times (well..I could not afford one then). Somewhere in my collection I must have those photographs. It was a long walk.It took us about 2 hours to get back. KG was getting irritated and had one usual argument with AM which I cannot recollect now. It must mean that it was not as interesting as most others.

From Gokarna, we decided to go to Karwar. Another beautiful coastal city. AM said you could see dolphins in those waters and we managed to rent a boat to take us one of the islands and bring us back.  We had done 75% of the route when the boat just decided to give up. The engine wouldn’t respond. After some 20 minutes of fight, the boat started and as we reached the island gave up again. The next 3 hours went in fixing it. We came back without much problems and no sightings of dolphins either.

Our next stop was Kundapura. A nice town where we enjoyed some great food and some good sleep. We were beginning to tire. From Kundapura we decided to go to Maravanthe. This is one unique place in the sense that the road passes in between the sowparnika river and the arabian sea. VM excused himself and it was only AM, SC, KG and I. KG brought an umbrella on a bright and sunny day. It was good fun to listen him and AM to discuss why the umbrella was needed on a sunny day. He posed for some pictures with his umbrella which I hope to sell for a lot of money in July 2019 to pay off all my debts.

Either I don’t remember anything more or I was too drunk to know what happened after this. The next thing I know is we were in a bus to Bangalore.


The name trilogy is just because it sounds nice and I don’t know what they call a 2 part stor. Bilogy did not sound good and biology, I don’t like. If you know what is the name for a 2 part story, just DON’T tell me. I like Trilogy and Trilogy it will be. Thank You

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