Friday, July 31, 2009

God’s Sense of Humor

God is like Russell Peters. Well, in a way. God makes fun of people and enjoys himself, as does Russell. Russell has a big audience for his shows but i don’t know how big is God’s audience. But one thing is for sure, God is a male.

Now, imagine this

You are  in Houston and had to return to Atlanta. Your flight is at 7:45 in the evening but you have to check out of the hotel at 2:00. You land at the airport at 4:00 PM hoping you would be able to catch an earlier flight to Atlanta

1) You don’t get tickets in the earlier flights even if you are willing to pay $50 to upgrade to business class.

2) You are told that the weather in Atlanta is bad and hence some flights are cancelled and one of the flights also has a technical snag.

3) You are also told that your flight will depart at 8:15 instead of 7:45

4) You come to know that there is no Starbucks in the airport. Your experience with some other coffee shops except Seattle’s Best Coffee has not been good. So, no hope of coffee.

5) You find that your internet service provider has a service at the airport and try to connect. You cannot connect and the customer service rep tells you that the Bank, for some reason had rejected the last payment to the provider. You can update the payment by going online. Isn’t that why you called him the first place that you were not able to get online?

6) You buy a 24 hour internet connection and start working/browsing.

7) You hear CNN going on and on about the meeting of Obama with a Professor and a Policeman from Boston. They really make a big deal out of a matter that should not gain this kind of importance. This annoys you further.

8) You start developing a headache

9) Your flight time has changed from 8:15 to 9:07.

10) Your headache grows worse and the airline crew announces that the  travelers have to get a new boarding pass but they don’t say for which flight. One flight is stranded due to technical snag and you have no clue about the flight you have to travel in.

11) You are getting desperate to get some sleep and the headache is getting worse. Exactly at that time a friend from India asks “Haven’t you slept yet”? You give a very frustrated answer which upsets him and you pacify him saying you are tired and will talk to him later.

12) Your flight is delayed further and is expected to start only at 9:50. Frustration and headache increase.

Finally the flight is announced at 10:15. You go “Whoa!! Finally!!” and board the flight and settle down to get some sleep.

A sigh of relief and you thank God for finally sparing you. But He has not had his last laugh yet.

He puts a bunch of noisy school girls in the seats right behind your seat. They start playing cards, taking photographs with flash and scream ALL the way to Atlanta.

When all the above happened to me and i finally reached home

1) I realized God is male. Women cannot do this. They have a different way to irritate you. All the above is purely male characteristics.

2) I started laughing out loud. I really did not know what else to do about my frustration and anger.

3) I wanted to say “Sankara” before i hit the bed but i ended up saying “Sankata”

Trust me, God has a great sense of humor. I can’t imagine how much he laughed yesterday.

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